humans with the ability to shape-shift into a wolf, also known as LYCANTHROPES, these semi-immortal creatures have been widespread in folklore since the early ages. the word werewolf comes from the old english compound of were, meaning man, and wulf, meaning wolf. persecuted and hunted alongside witches in the middle ages, these cursed humanoids have seen a multitude of myths and misinformation surrounding them. having to endure and irresistible shift at the FULL MOON, werewolves are also able to transform in their daily lives with varying degrees of control.

werewolves are created through the BITE OR DEEP SCRATCH of a transformed werewolf, or they can be born to at least one werewolf parent, with the werewolf gene being dominant - a human child will never be born to a werewolf. upon transformation they have an appearance and build similar to that of a dire wolf, with markings and colorations that vary based on skin tone, hair color and more.

natural born werewolves possess a greater attunement to their abilities than turned werewolves, and are able to better control their shifts. a turned werewolf can definitely become a master of their shifts, but the first several years are rough, though can be guided with a good mentor. any werewolf within a pack will see better developments in their power control as well, as the natural order of being around other wolves helps to clear the mind. unlike vampires, werewolves do not share a magical bond with werewolves they sire, but most seem to remain close.

though their aging process is greatly decelerated thanks to their healing factor, werewolves do age. the prime of a werewolf's life is 30-250, after which they begin to slow down a little bit more and feel the further effects of aging.


STRENGTH werewolves possess great strength even outside of their shifted forms, able to easy pick up humans, large objects and even contest with a vampire in battle.

AGILITY Outside of their shifted forms werewolves retain their agility, able to traverse great distances quickly, run for long periods of time without rest, jump great distances and scale difficult terrain with ease.

SHIFTED FORM in their shifted forms are where werewolves are the strongest, with a bite strength equal to that of a large crocodile. in these forms they are faster finely tuned predators, excelling at hunting and tracking.

PACKS although lone wolves exist, they are very rare and werewolves operate best within a pack. generally needing to be at least 3 wolves, the combined power of pack mentality allows werewolves to both lean on each other for support and to combat even the toughest of foes.
lifespan the oldest recorded werewolf died at the age of 534, and it is said they live to be at least a few centuries old. semi-immortal, werewolves cannot die of human disease or afflictions, able to heal what would be grievous injuries in a human. the only ways to kill a werewolf before old age is through decapitation or a silver bullet to the heart or brain.

senses werewolves have all 5 senses heightened but most especially smell and hearing.

HEALING due to some kind of make up in their genetics that is still not fully understood, werewolves are able to heal serious injuries at an accelerated rate. though not able to regrow limbs or organs, they are able to heal over deep cuts, bullet wounds will close over after expelling the bullet (so long as it is not silver), and broken bones will mend on their own within a day if re-set.


cure despite what some myths might say there is no cure for lycanthropy, though there are some herbs (wolfsbane, for example) that when used in a potion will help to make the shift a little more bearable.

mind werewolves retain their minds when they transform, however bitten and newly turned werewolves will find it harder to contain their bloodlust as compared to born werewolves who are used to making the shift.
stature contrary to a lot of depictions werewolves are not bipedal when they transform, instead they take the form of a large dire wolf and stay on all four legs.

silver is extremely toxic to werewolves, and though only a silver bullet will kill them, using silver manacles will restrain a werewolf well, and being stabbed or hurt with anything silver hurts a werewolf more. if silver is embedded in a werewolf's skin, it will stifle their natural accelerated healing and needs to be removed before they can heal.