updated 12/16 nether powers subspecies
Tales of daemons permeate mythology throughout the world, the original Greek word daimon once meant a lesser diety or guiding spirit. throughout the centuries daemons have been painted as evil, tricksters and mischievous creatures to be banished from the earth. only able to be seen on earth's plane by possessing a human body, daemons have gotten something of a bad reputation. daemons inhabit their own home plane and seek their own means, often antagonizing the humans and other creatures alike.

a daemon is mostly immortal, unable to be killed on earth, but able to be destroyed once back on their home plane. daemons possess the unique ability to make pacts, offering humans or other creatures powers, vitality, and more in exchange for whatever suits their needs. daemons draw from a font of a deep power in their home plane the nether and can disperse this magic as needed to fulfill their pacts, provided they receive what they were promised in return.

tricksters, knaves, rogues and scoundrels, these cretures have been vilified for centuries as the denizens of the christian concept of hell. however, not all are evil, nor are they even from hell (though it has been called that before), though most certainly toe the line between good and bad. daemons enjoy chaos, strife, and their own personal pleasure above all, and are not afraid of the means needed to get any of these things.

daemons have existed as long as the earth has, perhaps even longer, and make their way earthside at their choice… or when summoned. the rites to go back and forth between the nether and earth are draining, and a daemon can't do it more than once within a fortnight. daemons draw on a font of power called the Eonuron, and generally restrict their magicks to that of fire or dark intent.

the daemon homeworld: the nether

the fiery, dark homeplane of the daemons, the nether is full of fire, brimstone and ash, exactly how daemons like it. having turned the plane into their own personal paradise following the sundering, the nether has become a haven for the twisted. built up around a dark, swirling font of power known to daemons as the Eonuron, the nether is surprisingly not a completely lawless place. ruled over by the dark prince lucifer, who originally caused the sundering, and his close collective of purveyors of 'sin', daemons are bound to a few ideals.

it is forbidden to kill another daemon unless they have been banished for good reason, and it is pivotal that daemons remain vigilant in the collection of souls to continue to fuel the Eonuron.

daemons are spawned near the Eonuron, but no one knows exactly what causes this event. some say it is the collection of enough souls, some say it is at lucifer's whim, but the truth has never been divined. a daemon can only be killed while in the nether, and if banished from earth they will pop back in beside the font of power just as they did when they were spawned.

travel to and from the nether is taxing, and requires a daemon to take on a human form when they are coming to earth. daemons can exist on earth in a shadow dimension as they search for their human host, but this will sap them of energy and can eventually kill them. there is a ritual of fire to travel back to the nether, and the process takes several hours and will drain a daemon for several days.

is the nether hell?

Throughout the years, daemon description of the nether to humans has twisted and formed the basis for the concept of hell as seen in the bible, however, the nether is not anything described as "hell" by humans. it is not where the unrepentent souls go to spend eternity, it is not where sinners are punished for their crimes, it is simply the home plane of daemon-kind. the only souls that are brought to the nether are those collected by daemon's from earth, through pacts or other means, but they are generally immediately fed to the eonuron to maintain it's dark power.


immortality daemons are immortal beings, it takes a very powerful light magic to be able to fully kill a daemon. daemons can be exorcised from their mortal vessels, but this doesn't kill the daemon and they can return in a new vessel once they've regained some of their strength.

vessels a daemon cannot exist in their true form on earth, and need to possess a human vessel. the human will not remember anything from their time of being possessed, and the daemon takes over full control of the human's senses and needs while possessing them. a daemon has human level senses while in their vessels, but can see in the dark.

keeping a vessel once a daemon leaves their human host, the body will begin to age once more, making it tricky to continue using the same vessel time and time again. some daemons have begun to magically preserve vessels to slow aging or decomposition, but this is a power drain the longer they are away from it.

fire daemons have the ability to summon and manipulate fire without any kind of tinder. able to create flame at the tip of their fingers, or able to create a full ball of fire in the palm of their hands, daemons can throw and create massive infernos with enough concentration.
strength daemons draw on a font of dark energy, the Eonuron, in their home plane and it grants them supernatural strength and speed, but not anything on par with a vampire or a werewolf. instead most of this energy goes to their pacts, magicks and fire manipulation, but the more time spent away from the eonuron the less power a daemon has to draw from without serious rest.

pacts a daemon is able to make pacts with humans for magic power, often in exchange for the mortal's soul. the pact allows the human to channel power from the same font, the Eonuron, that daemons draw from. this often grants them access to their wildest dreams.. at least for as long as the daemon remains satisfied.

injury any injury done to a daemon while in their vessel is easily healed and once a daemon leaves a vessel no injury stays. however dismemberment or decapitations are obviously not reversible, but it is much harder to pull such injuries off whilst a daemon is in a body than it is to a mortal and generally requires specialized weaponry.

apparition daemons possess a unique ability to move through space and across great distance near instantly. however this cannot be endlessly done, and greater distances require more power and recovery time.


salt while it is irritating, causes mild burns and can temporarily keep a daemon at bay, salt does not have the full repellent or trapping effect that shows like supernatural have depicted.

summoning summoning a daemon requires a ritual and the knowledge of a daemon's true name. a daemon can then be trapped with another spell and bound to a witch or warlock without having to sell their souls. as such daemons generally refuse to make their true names known.

holy items the banishment and conquest of daemons is done with the use of occult items, not specifically religious ones. the words of the lord have no effect on a daemon, and it is only true light magic artifacts that would harm one.
banishment the rituals to banish a daemon from the earth are complicated and cannot be done on a whim. they can however be transferred to a scroll and purchased from a powerful enough magic user. banishing a daemon does not release a witch or warlock from their pact, and the banishment is always temporary.

religious connotations it's hard to separate the word demon from the biblical connection everyone thinks of, but those stories are the wild imaginings of humans who don't understand how planes beyond their own work. daemons are not keepers of hell, nor do they have any great war to wage with humanity or a 'heaven'.

the crossroads not necessary for pact-making, but some daemons just enjoy it for the flair and symbolism.


SUCCUBI / INCUBI daemons who specifically drain the souls of men and women alike through sexual activity. these powerful creatures are experts in desire, lust and soft suggestion to wheel and deal and free the souls of their victims for their own gain.
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CAMBION the offspring of a daemon and a human, these are truly children of two worlds.